To draw up fertilization plans suitable for different types of cultivation, it is necessary to know the chemical-physical characteristics of the soil, the chemical analysis of the water and the irrigation system.
When it is still possible, a basic fertilization with a good manure is a good rule, but it seems to be a more useful practice for maintaining a good soil structure than for nutritional supplies. Organic fertilization must be integrated with mineral fertilization, in particular with fertigation during cultivation.
The period of cultivation and therefore of fertilization varies according to the variety, and according to the cultivation technique, on or off the ground.
The everbearing varieties (early with long day) are transplanted in July-August, and an initial harvest is made in late summer / autumn, then after the winter rest and the recovery in late winter-spring, the most important production begins from March to September.
The June-bearing varieties (very early with a short day) are transplanted from July to September and the harvest is spring.
It is good practice to administer fertilizers with fertigation, with shorter or shorter weekly shifts, using a concentration of the nutrient solution of 1.0-1.5 per thousand.
Soilless cultivation
Soilless cultivation involves the distribution of water and fertilizer several times a day. Fertilizers are dissolved in the water and their concentration is assessed by measuring the Electrical Conductivity (EC) which varies as a direct function of the concentration of nutrients dissolved in the water.
In an above-ground culture, the distribution system of the nutrient solution represents the central core of the system, in fact, it ensures the solution and distribution of the exact amount of fertilizer in the irrigation water. The filtering system is extremely important since small impurities can obstruct the drip system, with irreversible consequences on the plants.
The success of soilless cultivation (in particular for strawberry cultivation) is closely linked to the analytical quality of the water. It must have an EC not exceeding 900-1,000 microS / cm at 25 ° C. Strawberry is particularly sensitive to salinity. In fact, it reacts quickly to different feeding conditions.
In soilless soil to have an optimal growth and production of plants, a correct and balanced nutrition in nutrients is required. Mineral fertilizers containing calcium and iron in concentrated solution precipitate in the presence of phosphates and sulphates, therefore it is important not to mix these elements together, using two separate tanks A and B. While in a third tank C nitric acid will be placed.
The amount of ammonia nitrogen is very low or absent. The electrical conductivity must be low, 1.2 / 1.3 mS / cm from the 2nd / 5th week until the first flowering; 1.5mS / cm from flowering to fruit set; 1.2 / 1.5 mS / cm after fruit set. It can increase during the fruit swelling and harvesting phase, in order to maintain a conductivity of the solution in the root cultivation substrate close to 1.8-2.0 mS / cm.
Considering that the strawberry has a superficial root system, it has intense respiratory activity and high production, frequent watering is necessary. Without irrigation it is not possible to grow strawberries economically.
Insufficient humidity conditions also interfere with plant nutrition, reducing the absorption of phosphorus and potassium. The seasonal irrigation volume in the greenhouse varies greatly, is between 3,000 and 6,000 cubic meters of water per hectare.