Terms and Conditions of Use


Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions indicated below allow access to the services offered by Image Line through the Image Line Network.

These terms and conditions must be accepted and followed. Those who do not observe such terms will not be able to access, use or download information from the websites.

By registering with the Image Line Network Community, you accept these terms and conditions.


Terms and Conditions Updates

Image Line owns the websites associated with Image Line Network and the supplier of this service. Image Line reserves the right to update or change these terms and conditions at any time and without previous notice. The use of websites associated with Image Line Network in accordance with such changes is proof of your unconditional acceptance to follow these modified terms and conditions. For this reason, we invite you to examine these terms and conditions every time you use the websites associated with Image Line Network.

These terms and conditions were reviewed and updated on October 25, 2018.


Image Line

Image Line srl Unipersonale is a private and independent company that operates in the sector of applied Information & Communication Technologies.

Established in 1988 with Fitogest, the first pesticide databank developed with the aim of modernizing the information consulting process, Image Line is today considered one of the most important providers of information and digital services in the agriculture sector.

Thanks to its own technology, Image Line has consolidated its reputation over the years as a technological innovator, having introduced to the market multiple state-of-the-art products.


Image Line Network

Image Line Network represents a group of websites and portals that are the property of Image Line The websites and services associated with Image Line Network, were created with the aim of providing general information on technical equipment, services and events in the agriculture and environment sector.

The websites listed at the end of this document are part of Image Line Network.

These websites can be visited and used as long as the terms and conditions below are followed.


Copyright Notice

All the information contained in the websites associated with Image Line Network (defined as “Content”) including, for example, all text, photos, illustrations, graphic files, audio files, video files and audio-video files, is protected by copyright laws and the applicable laws and international agreements regarding copyrights. The copyright contained in the “Content” is the property of Image Line or of one of its sales partners or associates or third parties that have licensed their material to Image Line

The entire “Content” of the websites associated with Image Line Network is protected, as a collective work, by the copyright laws of the member states of the European Community and the applicable laws and international copyright clauses. Image Line has the right to select, coordinate, organise and improve the “Content” within the websites.

Certain parts of the “Content” of the websites associated with Image Line Network, can be downloaded, saved to disk, printed and copied, only if:

  1. the downloaded “Content” is used solely for personal, non-commercial reasons or to improve business relations with Image Line;
  2. no part of the “Content” is published or incorporated in any other website;
  3. no part of the “Content” is published or transmitted by any other means of communication;
  4. the “Content” is not modified or altered in any way, or any copyright or trademark notice or confidential information is altered, deleted or modified.

Except as expressly established in these Terms and Conditions, it is absolutely prohibited to copy, download, print, publish, display, execute, distribute, transmit, transfer, translate, change, add, update, fill-out, cut or in any case transform or adapt all or part of the “Content” of the websites associated with Image Line Network, without prior written authorization by Image Line

Except as expressly established above, anyone who downloads the “Content” from this website is not entitled to any right, title, interest or use of the material.

Property of trademarks and distinctive marks

All product trademarks, service trademarks, logos and distinctive marks in general, displayed on the websites associated with Image Line Network, are (registered and non-registered) trademarks property of Image Line or any of its associates. Associates are subsidiaries or related companies, even indirectly, or third-party companies that have licensed their material to Image Line or one of Image Line’s associates, or third-party companies providing information through Image Line Network.

Except as expressly established in these terms and conditions, it is absolutely prohibited to reproduce, display or use any trademark present on the websites associated with Image Line Network, without prior written authorisation by Image Line or anyone else entitled thereto.


Information and Material Sent on a Voluntary Basis

Image Line is glad to receive your comments and feedbacks. All the material and information sent to Image Line through the websites associated with Image Line Network, such as comments, feedbacks, ideas, questions, projects, data or other similar information will be considered to be NOT CONFIDENTIAL AND NOT A PRIVATE PROPERTY. For this reason, we ask you not to send information or material that you do not want us company to use, including but not limited to any confidential information or creative material such as product ideas, computer codes or original artwork.

By sending communications and/or materials to Image Line, any title, right or benefit from any copyright and any other intellectual property right related to the material and/or information and communications sent is automatically and transferred free of charge to Image Line

Image Line shall have the right to use any information and/or material received and any idea, concept, know-how or technique contained in said information and/or material for any purpose whatsoever including but not limited to the development, manufacturing and marketing of products using said information and/or material without any restrictions and without any compensation being due.

Image Line shall use all information or material received in compliance with the European Regulation 2016/679. In any case, Image Line will not disclose your name nor publicize the fact that you sent us information and/or material, unless:

  1. we are authorized to use your name, or
  2. you are notified in advance that the information and/or material you send to a specific section of either our websites, will be published or used with your name and you do not object to this, or
  3. you directly publish the material and/or information on the AgroNotizie' forum, which is one of the websites associated with Image Line Network, or
  4. it is expressly required by law.

You will be responsible for the information and content of any communication you send through the websites associated with Image Line Network without limitations including therefore its accuracy and truthfulness.


Information from Third Parties or Regarding Third Parties

Some of the information, articles and other material available on the websites associated with Image Line Network are provided to Image Line by third parties, including news and specifications about third parties’ products. If we deem it useful, we will declare the source of such material. Such material is supplied exclusively for your interest and information. Image Line does not provide any guarantees on this material or the manufacturers or sales people that supply it to Image Line

Image Line does not guarantee or declare that this material is currently used, complete and reliable. Image Line shall not be liable for the use of the information supplied by third parties.


Links to other websites

The websites associated with Image Line Network contain hyperlinks to websites that are not managed by Image Line These hyperlinks are made available exclusively for your information and reference and do not imply therefore any guarantee on the reliability of the material found on these third party websites or any association with their managers.

Image Line does not control these websites and is not responsible for the material found on them. Access to and use of these websites is exclusively at your own risk.


Product Information

Any information contained or recalled in the websites associated with Image Line Network must be considered only as an “introduction” to Image Line, its sales partners, its products and services and the products and services of its sales partners. For any specific information or instructions needed regarding these products please contact Image Line or its sales partners as mentioned in the respective product’s data sheet. Those who intend to use the products shown on the websites associated with Image Line Network, must carefully read and follow the notices found on the product labels and comply with all the applicable laws and standards regarding the use of such product. Before using any product, make sure its use is authorized in your country. The end user is exclusively responsible for the correct use of such product or service and must follow the user instructions that are shown on the product or for the service provided. The information shown on a product or service is purely for publicity purposes and it does not represent an invitation to purchase.

Conditions of use of the services provided through the platform managed by Image Line, and appointment as Data Supervisor.

Image Line offers their customers personalised services that allow them to send their own customers customised services/communications by using the platform managed by Image Line All cookies and browsing data on the various platforms are owned by Image Line (Please refer to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy documents for further details).

The technical services that can be purchased and offered through the platform are Fitogest+, Quaderno di Campagna, SDS OnDemand (hereinafter referred to as “platform”).

Below you can find the instructions related to the use of the Platform, consent requests and appointment as External Data Supervisor.

Conditions on use of the platform: the Customer will be able to access the Platform through a private area by means of the login credentials given to him/her and kept and used under his/her sole responsibility. Access to the Platform shall comply with the conditions set forth in this document. In particular, the Customer undertakes to maintain the access code (also referred to as “username/e-mail” and “password”) in absolute confidentiality and is therefore liable for their storage. The Customer shall be solely liable for any damage caused by the use of his/her username or password by unauthorised third parties. However, the Customer undertakes to promptly notify Image Line of any theft, loss or misappropriation of his/her login credentials by unauthorised third parties.

Furthermore, the Customer will be able to activate other accounts which shall be used exclusively by certain people appointed by the Customer. The Customer declares that the people so appointed have received written instructions on the storage of the credentials, the use of the platform and the obtaining of consents in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The Customer also declares that these people have been notified that Image Line shall process their data exclusively for the purposes of the service requested by the Customer.

Image Line reserves the right to provide further instructions/information through the service activation modules found on the platforms.

Consent by the message recipients. The Customer acknowledges that obtaining the recipient's consent to receive the messages is a crucial requirement in order to use the messaging Platform. Obtaining consent for the data processed by the Platform, relates to email message recipients. Such consent shall have to be obtained as required by the law in force and as provided for by the Antitrust Authority and it shall be free, prior and informed and related to specific processes. The recipient shall be warned that the message is sent through the Platform provided by Image Line. This is an essential obligation for the Customer who also declares that all data entered in the platform comply with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 and any additional provisions of the Antitrust Authority. In case of failure to fulfil such essential obligation, although only once, Image Line reserves the right to cease/suspend the service.

If the Customer uses the Platform for unlawful purposes and/or to send unrequested or unauthorised advertisement, thus causing service disruptions to Image Line, such as the registration of one or more sending IPs or of the domain related to the service in use, the Customer shall be held solely liable for such breaches, holding Image Line harmless for any liability thereto. Image Line reserves the right to take all appropriate measures to seek compensation on behalf of themselves or third parties, for damages arising from such behaviours. At any moment Image Line shall be able to suspend the services purchased or provided free of charge, and ask the Customer to produce evidence of the existence and suitability of the consent given by the communication recipients through the Platform. The Customer shall have 15 (fifteen) days from notification date to produce the above documentation. In case the Customer refuses to produce the requested documentation within the set time limits or is such documentation is lacking, unsuitable or incomplete, regardless of the reason thereto, Image Line reserves the right to suspend or definitively deny access to the Platform. In such case, Image Line shall in no way be liable for the unused service nor to pay any damages or compensation for that.

The Customer undertakes to make it clear in every message sent through the Platform, that the e-mail was sent by the Customer and that the unsubscribe option is in the e-mail footer.


Website Modifications

Image Line reserves the right to modify at its discretion the content and operation of the websites associated with Image Line Network. Image Line also may, without prior notice, limit access to or close its websites at any time and for whatever reason and shall not be held responsible for any consequences deriving from such modifications.


Declaration of Future Intent

The websites associated with Image Line Network can contain declarations of future intent, i.e. declarations that are not based on historical facts, including declarations regarding our beliefs and expectations. Such declarations are based on plans, estimates, current projections and opinions and their reliability is therefore limited. These are valid exclusively for the period of time during which they are published on the website and Image Line undertakes no obligation to update them in the light of latest information or future events.


Exclusion of Guarantee (Disclaimer)

All the material contained in the websites associated with Image Line Network, is supplied on an “as is” and “as is available” basis, without any guarantee whatsoever.

In compliance with the applicable laws Image Line, its sales partners and associates disclaim any implied or expressed warranty.

In addition to this, Image Line does not guarantee that the websites associated with Image Line Network will be accessible at any time or from anywhere or that their operation will be without interruption or errors.

Image Line does not represent or warrant that the “Content” of the websites associated with Image Line Network are virus-free, worm-free or free from any other codes that may disclose infective or destructive properties.

Image Line makes a great effort to supply accurate and updated information. In spite of this, the information published on the websites associated with Image Line Network may be incomplete or obsolete and may contain inaccuracies or computer or publication errors.

For this reason, Image Line makes no warranties regarding the use, validity, accuracy, timeliness or reliability of the data neither associated with the Image Line Network websites nor regarding the results derived from use of the data or of any information published on its websites.


Limitation of Liability

Accessing the websites associated with Image Line Network is exclusively at your risk. Under no circumstances shall Image Line, its sales partners, associates or any of their directors, officers, employees or agents be liable for any direct or indirect losses or damages arising out of or in connection with the use of or inability to use these websites, or for the trust placed in any information present in these websites. Without limiting the foregoing, Image Line shall not be held liable of possible errors or omissions in the “Content” of the websites associated with Image Line Network. This is particularly valid for any reference to products and services provided by Image Line, its sales partners or associates.

This is a limitation of liability that applies to all direct and indirect losses and damages of any kind. This limitation of liability is valid both in case the alleged responsibility is a consequence of civil or criminal laws and on any other basis. It is also valid if an authorized representative of Image Line or a representative of one of its associates, was advised or should have known and be aware of the possibility of such damage occurring.


Completeness of the Agreement

The terms and conditions contained in these “User Conditions” regarding access to the websites associated with Image Line Network, represent a complete and total agreement between you and Image Line regarding your accessing and/or use of the websites associated with Image Line Network.


Validity of the Agreement

The terms and conditions established above enter into force upon first registration to the Image Line Network Community.


List of the websites in the Image Line Network

















Suggestions? Do you think that information on this page should be corrected? Write to us to report the changes. Thank you!

Our partners

The partners order is based on the number of products viewed on Fertilgest in the previous week

Fertilgest® it's a website made by Image Line®
® marchi registrati Image Line srl Unipersonale (1990 - 2025)