
You can see here the list of the companies that produce or distribute fertilizers for agriculture you can use for your plants: ranging from fertilizers to soil improvers, from tilling substrates to correctives and specific action products. Click on the company name to see contact details and catalogue.

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Piazza Europa 5 – 05100 Terni TR - Italy
Colace Mariarosa
Contr Conca Doro Podere SN – 74019 Palagiano TA - Italy
Colombelli Gianluca
Via Brescia 52 – 24055 Cologno al Serio BG - Italy
Comagricola Green Europe
Via Ing Caproni 21 – 24036 Ponte San Pietro BG - Italy
Comercial Quimica Masso' :: Comercial Quimica Masso' S.A.
8029 - Barcellona - C. Viladomat 321 – - Spain
Via Fermi 20 – 10051 Avigliana TO - Italy
Comincioli Martina
Via Salvo d'Acquisto n° 48 – 22038 Tavernerio CO - Italy
Compag Handels
Brennaustrabe, 10 - Krems - Donau – - Austria
Compo Italia
Via Marconato 8 – 20811 Cesano Maderno MB - Italy
Tel. 0362 5121 – Fax 0362 512855
Compost Natura
Via Malacca - Zummari, 32 – 73010 Arnesano LE - Italy
Compostaggio Cremonese
Via Colle Eghezzone, 2 – 26900 Lodi LO - Italy
Comune Di Torrioni
Via Tuoro 6 – 83010 Capriglia Irpina AV - Italy
Concimi Biologici
V. Strada, Travesta A. SNC - Z.I. Macchiareddu, Assemini – 09032 Assemini CA - Italy
Concordia Servizi Ambientali
Via S. Nicolai SNC – 64021 Giulianova TE - Italy
Conserve Italia
Via Poggi, 11 – 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena BO - Italy
Tel. 051 6228311

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